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显示标签为“android openvpn”的博文。显示所有博文



   是不是有一刻無法fb或tweet就全身不對勁?去了幾次大陸,終於我決定要翻牆了...雖然fb對我來說不是很重要,但是twitter已經成為我的新聞的主要來源!一天不推一下真是很難過。廢話不多說,這篇是給Android用戶看的,因為我用Sony...(IPhone大家可以自己搜索ITunes APP store的FlyVPN。其實翻牆的軟體很多,有些甚至一鍵就可以直接翻牆,不過我是死工程師,比較喜歡manual的感覺,所以來介紹一個萬無一失的傳統翻牆法。當然所謂萬無一失意思是要有capacity的時候:P

1.先連上FLYVPN網站: https://www.flyvpn.com然後作登入/註冊 
6.連線:需要使用者名稱/密碼:請到FLYVPN首頁,每20分鐘就會更換。vpn是很珍貴的資源要節約啊~ 當然如果是需要長期使用的話可以推薦大家去購買:VPN價格
7.看到手機螢幕左上方有個鑰匙的圖案就表示已經連上vpn了。so let's 翻牆吧!!!



是不是有一刻無法fb或tweet就全身不對勁?去了幾次大陸,終於我決定要翻牆了...雖然fb對我來說不是很重要,但是twitter已經成為我的新聞的主要來源!一天不推一下真是很難過。廢話不多說,這篇是給Android用戶看的,因為我用Sony...(IPhone大家可以自己搜索ITunes APP store的FlyVPN。其實翻牆的軟體很多,有些甚至一鍵就可以直接翻牆,不過我是死工程師,比較喜歡manual的感覺,所以來介紹一個萬無一失的傳統翻牆法。當然所謂萬無一失意思是要有capacity的時候:P

1.先連上FLYVPN網站: https://www.flyvpn.com然後作登入/註冊 
6.連線:需要使用者名稱/密碼:請到FLYVPN首頁,每20分鐘就會更換。vpn是很珍貴的資源要節約啊~ 當然如果是需要長期使用的話可以推薦大家去購買:VPN價格

7.看到手機螢幕左上方有個鑰匙的圖案就表示已經連上vpn了。so let's 翻牆吧!!!



廢話不多說,這篇是給Android用戶看的,因為我用Sony...(IPhone大家可以自己搜索ITunes APP store的FlyVPN。

1.先連上FLYVPN網站: https://www.flyvpn.com然後作登入/註冊 




6.連線:需要使用者名稱/密碼:請到FLYVPN首頁,每20分鐘就會更換。vpn是很珍貴的資源要節約啊~ 當然如果是需要長期使用的話可以推薦大家去購買:VPN價格

7.看到手機螢幕左上方有個鑰匙的圖案就表示已經連上vpn了。so let's 翻牆吧!!!


Connect to a PPTP VPN from your Android phone(flyvpn freetrial)

One way smartphones help us work smarter is by allowing device users to connect to VPN networks. The Android platform has an outstanding built-in VPN connection tool that allows you to connect to PPTP VPNS, L2TP VPNs, L2TP/IPSec PSK VPNs, and L2TP/IPSec CRT VPNs. This is a walkthrough of how Android users can set up and connect to a VPN with the help of a PPTP VPN.

Notes about this tutorial

  • The PPTP VPN is the Point to Point Protocol that is supported by Microsoft dial-up and is very common. The set up for each type of VPN will vary.
  • I used a Samsung Captivate for this example, so please note this process will vary on different handsets.

Required information

For the PPTP connection, you’ll need to gather the following information before beginning the setup process:
Once you have this information, you’re ready to begin the set up.

Step 1: Go to the Wireless And Network settings

VPN connections are created from within the Wireless And Network settings window. To get to this window, click your phone’s Menu button. When that menu pops up (Figure A), tap the Wireless And Network Settings button.
Figure A

This menu might look quite a bit different depending on the Android handset you’re using; however, the Wireless And Network settings should be fairly universal.
Only one option allows you to set up the VPN connection. In the next screen, tap the VPN Settings button (Figure B).
Figure B

Step 2: Select PPTP for the VPN connection

Now tap the Add VPN button. The screen will display a list of various types of VPNs (Figure C). Tap the Add PPTP VPN button to continue.
Figure C

Step 3: Configure the VPN connection

In this next window (Figure D), there are four configurations you can set up:
  • VPN Name: Give your VPN a name for the connection listing.
  • Set VPN Server: (FLYVPN Freetrial Servers IP address)
  • Enable Encryption: This is set by default, and is more than likely required by your VPN.
  • DNS Search Domains: If you need to use the internal DNS servers once your connection is made, enter them here.
Figure D

When you tap a configuration, a new window will appear (Figure E). Enter the information required for that configuration and click OK. You can visit(https://www.flyvpn.com/freetrial
 (All of the configuration options windows will be similar in look and feel.)
Figure E

Step 4: Connect to your VPN

Now that your VPN is set up, it’s time to connect. To do this, go back to the VPN listings window (Figure F) and tap the VPN you just created in order to make the connection. (Your VPN’s name will not be blurred out as you see in Figure F.)
Figure F

Once you make a successful connection, you’ll see a key icon in your notification area (Figure G) indicating you are connected to a VPN.
Figure G

Make sure you keep a close watch on your VPN connections. You don’t want to keep that connection open if you don’t need it.

Step 5: Disconnect

Now that you know you can make the connection, you can disconnect by pulling down your notification drawer, tapping the VPN connection, and then tapping the VPN connection name to disconnect.